CAIRO: The two European consultancy firms, tasked with carrying out technical studies needed to determine the impact of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) are to submit their joint report Sunday, Minster of Irrigation Hossam Mogahzy said.
The studies are focused on the GERD’s work period and schedule, techniques and impact of the expected decrease in water flow to the downstream countries; Egypt and Sudan.
“The reports are expected to highlight the environmental, social and economic impacts of the dam, according to the engineering designs that were put by Ethiopian expertise four years ago,” Moghazy told Youm7.
“The reports are expected to highlight the environmental, social and economic impacts of the dam, according to the engineering designs that were put by Ethiopian expertise four years ago,” Moghazy told Youm7.
On May 5, 2014, Egypt issued a report cautioning that building the dam, which is expected to be operational in 2017, could shrink Egypt’s share of Nile water by 12 billion cubic meters.
Ethiopia has claimed that the dam is necessary for its development, and that it would not affect Egypt’s share of water.
According to Moghazy, the technical committee will meet in Cairo on June 10. After approving the technical reports, the financial issues will be discussed.
In April, French BRL Group was selected as a main consultancy firm to carry out the studies while the Dutch Deltares was selected for assistance services needed.
The firms were selected following a round of tripartite talks among water ministers of Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia held in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa April 8 and 9.
In May 2013, an advisory panel conducted a report on the dam’s impact on downstream countries; Egypt rejected the report and other studies submitted by the Ethiopian sid