Trip to Cairo is postponed a second time, as an Egyptian bishop denies that the delay is due to political tensions between Ethiopia and Egypt over a Nile dam project

Ethiopian Orthodox Church Patriarch Abune Matthias (Photo: Al-Ahram)
The anticipated visit was suddenly delayed, Egyptian Bishop Beyman, of the Diocese of Naqada and Qus, told Al-Ahram's Arabic news website. He said he received an email from the Ethiopian patriarch informing him of the delay during Easter celebrations.
Despite a previous delay of a visit last June, when tensions ran high between Egypt and Ethiopia due to the latter's Renaissance Dam project, Bishop Beyman denied that the postponement was related to politics.
The bishop told Al-Ahram that arrangements had been made to accommodate the patriarch, who was to meet Egypt's Pope Tawadros II.
The text of the email, published by Al-Ahram, cited "pressing church matters" as the reason for the delay
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